Want to Save 548 Bales? 629 Gallons of Diesel? And 73 Hours Every Year?



Discover The Exact Method Cattlemen Use – And How You Can Too

Every Year Cattlemen Who Switched to Hustler Bale Processors Are Saving:

Running the numbers for the typical ranch, which previously feeds 1,000 bales per year these are the savings achieved. Feed savings vary depending on the type of feed (Grass Hay is used in this example). Dry Alfalfa by comparison from the studies, saves 106 bales for every 1,000 which is close to the value of a Chainless TH205 bale processor, meaning your savings in hay or feed costs alone could cover the cost of a new machine in just 1 year!  

Saving up to 548 Bales

Saving 629 Gallons of Diesel

Saving up to 73 Hours

49 mile longer windrows

Saving $980+ in wearing parts

The 3 Most Common Advantages Leading Cattlemen Gained When Switching to Hustler's Chainless Bale Processor

1. More Nutritional Intake For Your Cattle

Hay remains intact and is not destroyed. The bale feeder simply teases the bale apart with its unique low speed 3:1 ratio rotors into a tidy windrow without chopping or grinding the bale. This provides some key benefits that ranchers really appreciate:

  • The leaves and/or grain, where a large proportion of the nutrition is found, are not smashed to powder and blown away as dust. The Hustler bale processor preserves the leaf and grain so your cattle can eat it.
  • Any mold in a bale is separated from the hay without mixing it in, allowing cattle to eat fresh, clean hay.
  • Ranchers are reporting up to 80% reductions in mineral supplement consumption, and up to 20% reductions in hay consumption for the same live weight gains, with the same bales!
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2. Increased Versatility with Reduced Plugging

Whatever bale you have available you can rest assured that Hustler’s Chainless bale processing system will feed it out. Leading ranchers are particularly impressed with the fact that Hustler bale processors process:

  • All round bales, including 4 and 5 ft wide, up to 6 ft diameter.
  • All square bales even sizes up to 8 ft long.
  • All wrapped high moisture balage (baled silage) bales – without ever plugging!
  • All Hay & Straw bales of any forage type – proven with more than 110 different forage types.
  • All frozen bales that have been stored outside over winter.
TH205 unrolling hay in the field 700x500

3. Simplicity & Reduced Downtime

Leading ranchers demand reliability, a key reason they love the simplicity of the Hustler bale processor. Finally, a feeding system that is engineered and proven in the coldest of winter climates saving you downtime because of:

  • No wearing parts to maintain, replace, or vibrate loose and hurt your cattle.
  • Simple hydraulically driven design, with no PTO shaft and very few moving parts to keep adjusted, greased and maintained.
  • Low-speed rotors that allow the tractor to be operated at not much more than an idle, teasing bales apart quickly instead of chopping.
  • Virtually no dust to clog air filters on your tractor, stick to your grease points or get in the eyes of your cattle.
  • Ultra-low power requirement allows the bale processing system to be powered with small tractors and even your pickup should it have a hydraulic supply, saving you gallons of fuel each day.
  • Ranchers are reporting fuel savings of over 60% compared to their previous PTO-powered hay processor.
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Ranchers Who Switched Tell us Why

Ease of operation, efficiency and safety meet on a bison ranch thanks to the Hustler Chainless LX105 bale processor

US farmer ditched the hay ring for a Hustler bale processor, and here’s why!

Hustler bale processor cut livestock feed cost by a third the sustainable way!

US sales yard halved their feeding time and got 100% utilization of their hay after purchasing a Hustler bale unroller

A regenerative bison ranch achieves awesome results with their Hustler

A Kentucky Farm made Hustler Part of Their Sustainable Plan

Kentucky farmer sees “much less loss” of hay since starting using a Hustler bale unroller

Texas beef ranchers “think how efficient Hustler made them” in their daily feeding and rebaling operation

Canadian beef farmer finds affordable bale feeding solution to put more pounds on his herd with a 12% saving on hay

Kentucky Angus cattle breeder “absolutely thrives on a sense of accomplishment”

Why did 20,000-acre Canadian Ranch switch to quiet Hustler bale processor?

Feeding Cattle at 77 Years Old – No Problem with a Hustler Bale Unroller

“I hated feeding Hay before we got the Hustler bale feeder.”

Working Smarter, Not Harder is this Rancher's Goal

See how Bill Fales survives the economical climate by investing in a Hustler

See How this Rancher Relieved his Stress and Improved his Lifestyle

Find out how Hustler has helped achieve “movement” on Drausin’s organic farm

This 3rd Generation Farmer Knew he had to do Something Different

Find out how Andrew Solved his Cattle Feeding Challenges

A successful Organic dairy changes the way they feed

Aggressive Bale Feeder Tears Apart Bales with Net-wrap Still On

No More Beautiful Hay Wasted, Sarah chose a Hustler Bale Feeder

Chainless Bale Processor Feeds Tight Squares with Ease!

Nebraska Ranch Owner and Farm Machinery Dealer Peter Pelster Secured Hustler Equipment Agency after Running a Chainless Bale Processor on his Ranch for 3 Years

Why David Fiske from Virginia Tech Found Hustler Chainless Bale Processor the Best Choice to Improve Farm Profitability

Watch the Hustler Chainless Bale Processor in Action in North Dakota

Hustler Chainless Bale Processor is a Game-Changer for this Organic Dairy Farmer in California

Quick Start Guide | Pull-type Hustler Chainless Bale Processor

Hustler Chainless Bale Processor Feeds Out Frozen Bales Without Removing the Net Wrap

Chainless Bale Processor Feeding Out Onto Snow at Legacy Beef Ranch in Missouri

15 More Reasons Ranchers are Switching to Hustler Bale Processors

Hustler’s Bale Processor and Bale Unroller Range

Chainless LX105² Bale Processor

  • 3-PH, Skid Steer or Loader Mounted
  • Snaplox Self-loading System
  • Processes any Round or Square Bale
  • Single Bale Capacity

Chainless TH205 Bale Processor

  • Pull-Type
  • Total Control Self-Loading System
  • Processes any Round or Square Bale
  • 2-Bale Capacity

Unrolla LX105 Bale Unroller

  • Compact yet Large Enough for 5′ x 6′ Round Bales
  • 3-PH, Skid Steer or Loader Mounted
  • Snaplox Self-loading System
  • Simple Design, Fully Enclosed Cradle

What are ranchers, universities and dealers saying about Hustler bale processors

“The results here are alot more gentle, so it will feed out the way we like it”

Lorne Zentner, Consul, Saskatchewan (Canada) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Andrew Ferguson

“After running the Hustler for a few months, we decided to go ahead and purchase two more”

Andrew Ferguson (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Bill Fales 2

“I couldn’t believe it, but it saves a lot of hay”

Bill Fales, Carbondale (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Now, feeding can happen in 10 minutes.  Our waste is not even measurable at this point! One person can now do the job that used to take at least two people”. 

Brian O'Connor, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X2500/LX105

“In certain times of the year we’ll use hay rings, we’ll use hay trailers with heavy use areas, so we feed with rings, we feed with hay trailers along with the bale feeder, but a 1000 times over, a 1000 times over this bale feeder is a far way better in my opi

Eric Elsner, University of Georgia (USA) - Chainless 4000

“I have to say the new Chainless X5000 bale cart is fantastic and a great improvement on the 4000, we have noticed a big difference in the amount of hay we are feeding out and reduced wastage”.

Ella Anderson, University of Tasmania (Australia) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Moving into my mid-sixties, I’m done with wrestling bales of hay, so we got a Hustler for this purpose, which has relieved the physical strain”

Drausin Wulsin, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“With the Hustler, we can repeatedly do three bales in four days, which is a reduction of 33%”

Ethan and Amy Hofschulte, Minnesota (USA) - Chainless LX105
James Coy

“There’s much less loss because of the lack of destruction to the ground and the lack of waste for the hay”

James Coy, Kirksville, Kentucky (USA) - LX105 Unrolla
Jim Bob

“It’s allowing us to be more efficient and faster and to feed better because we can blend that hay as it’s coming out, and to know exactly how many pounds we’re putting on the ground.”

Jim Bob Collins, Mitchell Oregon (USA) - Combi RX178
Stephen Gaskins Article photo 800w 3

“With the Hustler, I can put out 19 bales in a day where before it would have been 30 or more”

Stephen Gaskins, Pink Hill, North Carolina (USA) - Chainless TX205

“The CHX5000 has performed well in our operation, as a bale unloader in our bunker silo where we load the hay directly into our feed trucks as well as unloading big bales directly into fence line bunks.”

Mark Mahnken, Missouri (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Tim Richards – X5000

“Not only has it saved me an hour and ten a day, I’ve also cut back a bale.”

Tim Richards, Kentucky (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Our in-calf rate is 8-10% better than it was previously, and this season is the first year with a zero postpartum mortality rate with all of our fresh cows.  And I think that’s 100% because of the way we’ve changed our feeding! It’s been a fantastic investmen

Scott Merieka, Wisconsin (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Sarah video festured image

“We put all that time and energy to put up beautiful hay with all the Alfalfa leaves, and the processor kind of just blows it up into the air. I wanted to go with something that would just roll the bales out”

Sarah Salsbury, Montana (USA), - Chainless X5000/TX205

Chainless Bale Processors vs other Bale Processor Types

The Pros & Cons of Each Feeding System

Chainless  Flail Type Chain Unroller Type 

CH TH205 REST Position 02 web

flail type bale processor

Unroller type processor

 Hay & balage is teased apart not pulverized preserving the nutritional value of the forage Χ Feed is pulverized destroying nutrition and fines are often blown away in the wind. This green dust is the most valuable part of the bale ~  Hay & balage is unrolled not pulverized preserving some nutritional value of the forage
 If a bale jams the platform can be lifted to eject bale completely elimination the chance of plugging Χ Prone to plugging especially when trying to process balage bales with no way to eject a plugged bale  Χ Less prone to plugging, but no way to eject a bale if plugged 
 Lowest dust feeding = Cleaner healthier livestock Χ Dust creates a Messy Environment & livestock respiratory issues and clogs tractor air filters  Low dust feeding = Cleaner healthier livestock
Hydraulic Drive, No PTO less maintenance and safer, less fuel consumption Χ High horsepower required, PTO driven higher maintenance, harder to connect up Hydraulic Drive, No PTO less maintenance and safer, less fuel consumption
Longer windrows. Forage can be stretch over as long or short distance as the operator prefers giving cattle equal access to feed Χ Windrow length is limited causing cattle to bunch, compete and trample on feed ~ Longer windrows, but the length of windrow is limited to how the bale decides to unroll
Fewer wearing parts. Feed rotors last the lifetime of the feeder. Other than greasing the machine there is little to maintain Χ Flails require frequent replacement, requiring costly parts and labor costs sometimes annually ~ Few wearing parts. Other than greasing the machine there is little to maintain
✔ Slow-moving 3:1 teasing rotors are gentle on feed dropping feed into a tight narrow windrow Χ High-velocity flails turns stones into projectiles that can be lethal when feeding with livestock in the pens Χ Will not feed frozen bales. Tightly packed hay bales will take much longer to feed
✔ Easily feeds any bale even wet balage without jamming Χ Prone to plugging up when feeding, especially wetter forages Fast and easier feeding of loose, short chopped or extra wet balage
Simple hydraulic controls, with infinite control of feeding rows Χ Have to run PTO and hydraulic controls and deal with shearbolts. Limited control of feed row ~ Easy single lever control, but limited control of feed row
Total control self-loading system spears the bale, and accurately and gently places bales in the feed chamber.  Χ Bales tumble and bounce into feed chamber, with no guarantee it’ll land the correct way. This puts extra stress on the drawbar and drive mechanism   ~ Self-loading system spears the bale, and accurately and gently places bales in the feed chamber. Loading sequence cannot be reversed once bale is positioned over feeding chamber
Bales are secure during transport on undulating terrain due to being speared instead of cradled   Χ Bales can bounce or roll off loading forks during transport Bales are secure during transport on undulating terrain due to being speared instead of cradled 
Feeds bales at an idle of the tractor Χ Requires tractor to run between 1200-1500rpm  Feeds bales at an idle of the tractor
Processes all bales sizes and types. Tested and proven on over 110 different types of bale and forage  Χ Not all flail-type machines handle all bale sizes, shapes or forages. And requires adjustments to switch between bale types.   Χ Feeds most types of bale sizes, struggles with high-density square and round bales
Χ Doesn’t spread staw. Owners found they could just back into a pen and unroll a bale then put 20 cattle in there and the cows would spread it out themselves. Spreads straw up to 30′ for bedding  Χ Doesn’t spread staw. 
Rotors will to remove net wrap as bales are processed, but net wrap can be removed before feeding as bale is held securely above feed chamber. Twine ideally needs to be removed before processing Χ Although it’s convenient to shred net wrap or twine, this causes additional maintenance when cultivating the pasture (destroys bearings on discs) and hassle burning off flail rotor. It’s also bad for the cattle Χ Twin and net wrap must be removed prior to loading and feeding bales
Almost silent operation, allow cattle to feed comfortably  Χ Noisey laboring machine tends to spook cattle  ~ Noisey feeding, but less noise than flail type processors
Proven by cattelmen to save up to 54.8% of your hay supplies Χ Degrades feed quality of most feed types, especially highest value forages  ~ Reduces hay waste compared to Flail type processors
5 Year NO-BULL warranty backed by a 60 year family-owned business Χ 1 Year from most manufacturers  Χ 1 Year from most manufacturers 



Russell Seed

Territory Manager – North America

Jordan Symington

Territory Manager – North America

Jayden Lock

Inside Sales – North America

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Free Cattle Feeding Guide!

Over 30,000 hours of research into comparing every system for processing bales for cattle. Inside you’ll find the complete comparison of how each system performs on the 23 most common issues each system they faces.

For more information or no obligation demonstration on your own ranch – Contact a Hustler field consultant (844)-249-2092 

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